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Words and Actions, Redux

A little over a week ago I published a bit comparing the Olympic Creed with what actually happens in the Olympics. This is the Olympic Creed:

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.

And then we have today s news:

Drugs Found in Olympics Raid Italian prosecutors found more than 100 syringes and 30 packs of drugs, including asthma drugs and antidepressants, in a raid on Austrian Winter Olympics bases, an Italian prosecutor told Austrian television.

They also seized devices for blood testing and blood transfusions in the raid on Saturday on the country s biathlon and cross-country teams, Austrian state television ORF said on its Web site on Monday, quoting Turin prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello.

ORF also quoted another Turin prosecutor, Marcello Maddalena, as saying the raids were coordinated closely with the International Olympic Committee and the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Maddalena said officials tried to avoid disturbing the athletes too much.

But a raid is a raid, ORF quoted Maddalena as saying. You cannot announce it in advance, nor can you put on your velvet gloves.

Ain t that dandy?


ruminator said:

I still watch the Olympics some, although I don't follow them like I once did.

When the move came to allow professional athletes participate in the games, I was turned off. The Olympics were, for many years, the last bastion of popular athletics.

But, with the big money that comes to the games it's not surprising that they draw professional athletes.

What happened to the bad old days?

Posted on Feb 26, 2006 11:16 AM

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