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I Hate Toledo Nazis
Over the weekend, Ohio Nazis planned to march against black crime in a black neighborhood. Many in the neighorhood rioted.
I mean, really rioted. Vandalization. Buildings being burned. Rocks thrown at police cars and ambulances. State trooper reinforcements. Cops on horseback. Chaos. Curfews.
A spokesman for Ohio Nazis just smirked and said, See?
Tangerine said:
Toledo, Ohio is my hometown, but we live in Coastal GA now.
I can tell you that the demonstration took place in a predominately black neighboorhood. I know Stickney Ave well.
You can catch more video at the news station I relied on while I resided in Toledo:
I'm a bit confused as to how you can wear a swastika on your sleeve and not expect rioting where you walk.
Posted on Oct 18, 2005 12:42 AM
tangerine said:
Oh -- update:
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes buy house in Toledo Ohio:
Katie is a Toledo Native, well, kinda. She graduated from Anthony Wayne HS which is considered Suburbia.
Posted on Oct 22, 2005 12:58 AM
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